Meeting Updates
Summary of Neighborhood Meeting on 6/6/23
Scroll to the bottom of this page to see a video of the meeting in case you weren't able to attend
Updates from the President
The Lake Creek Flood Project start date has been delayed, but should happen in July. For more information, you can visit the Upper Brushy Creek WCID website or go to
Brush Cleanup Project: Maribeth has been in contact with City of Round Rock regarding their brush cleanup efforts following the ice storm in February. Some properties along the creek are the responsibility of the owner to maintain, while others fall to the city. The best solution for a quick resolution is to form a committee of volunteers to assist residents with tree trimming and limb removal. Many are elderly or do not have the equipment needed. The city has said it will loan tools to the neighborhood for a whole weekend and waive brush drop-off limits if the neighborhood can choose a date for the project.
Neighborhood Entrance Sign Maintenance - The signs at the entrances to the neighborhood need to be power washed to remove staining. A coordinator is needed to find contractors and obtain permits if needed. If you are interested, contact Maribeth (contact info below).
Treasurer's Report
The current bank balance is $18,379.05. This includes a surplus of outstanding refunds for miscellaneous expenses.
Pet Clinic Update
The clinic held on 5/24/23 in partnership with Dr. John Tarleton continues to be one of the most successful events hosted by the neighborhood. It brought in over $4000 in revenue for the association, which is used to support our neighborhood schools and community events.
Volunteers Needed!
We are still in need of a Volunteer to form an Oncor committee to collaborate with Oncor regarding Tree Trimming & Transformer replacement. If we do not stay in constant communication with them, then our neighborhood will continue to have the same issues with power outages after storms and inclement weather. Please let me know if you would like to help out with this VERY IMPORTANT issue. Four residents volunteered but were unable to coordinate schedules.
Creek Brush Cleanup Committee - Volunteers are needed to assist elderly residents with the removal of brush from properties that back up to the creek. Brush causes a flood risk. The City of Round Rock has offered to provide tools for a weekend if a committee can be formed and decide a date.
GRRWNA Storage Shed Cleanup Project - The association's storage shed at Grace Lutheran Church needs to be organized. It contains signs and supplies for all neighborhood events but has not been cleaned in a long time. Let us know if this is one of your natural strengths!
Annual Newsletter Coordinator (June) - Dori Bullerman will chair the committee this month. Volunteers are needed to assist with mailing (folding, stuffing, and sealing envelopes).
Block Captian Coordinator - Block captains are responsible for checking in on residents in their assigned area and helping to coordinate assistance when needed (e.g. loss of power, illness/disability, etc.). Block captains are also encouraged to foster community on their block.
Welcome Team Coordinator - Would you like to be one of the warm faces that greets new residents to the neighborhood? This team has been requested and it needs a leader! Will it be you?
Entrance Signs Maintenance/Clean up Coordinator - The signs at the entrances to the neighborhood need to be power washed to remove staining. A coordinator is needed to find contractors and obtain permits if needed. If you are interested, contact Maribeth (contact info below).
For more information please reach out to our elected officers:
President: or (512)963-5566
Vice President: or (214)729-5092
Secretary: or (512)466-1478
Treasurer: or (254)913-7507
Thank you to everyone who helps with all the various committees and events because
we could not do all of this without our great neighbors!
2023 Events At-A-Glance
July 4th – Parade & Gathering at the Park
Sept 5th – GRRWNA meeting (Agenda TBD)
October 3rd – National Night Out – (First Tuesday of October, Annually)
November 8th – Fall Pet Clinic
December (TBD)– Christmas Decorating Contest